
""If they are not believers, it doesn't mean you are not magic."

I had dinner with some friends who are former work colleagues, last night. I hadn't seen some of them in quite a few years. It was wonderful to be surrounded by them. They were an amazing group when I worked with them and they continue to be amazing in their own individual ways. They were talking about the fact that I used to tell them when making a career move to make sure that you are running toward something instead of away from something.

It has been my experience that things work out much better if you do the legwork to really delve into what it is you want to spend your time doing and what you want to get out of the experience. Rather than taking the first thing that comes along because you are desperate to get out of the role you are in. Of course, this advice comes from having taken the first thing that came along when I was desperate to get out of a situation. Sadly, I have done it more than once. Now, I generally try to do the full review and look at my work in the context of the rest of the parts of my life. Being a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, etc. It is hard to just focus on the work part without considering the impact it can have on the others. I also find that taking the time to do a real deep assessment helps me to separate the emotion from the decision.

At one point in the evening, they asked me if I was disappointed by some of the things that haven't happened in my career. I was honest that it depends on the day. One of the women at the table who is not only smart and talented, but is incredibly warm and funny said that the people in her new job don't seem to get her. I thought about that a lot today. First, I am sure that she was exaggerating - but even if she wasn't it doesn't matter. My latest life quote is "If they are not believers, it doesn't mean you are not magic". She is magic. At one point I watched as she had the rapt attention of everyone at the table.

The biggest problem for me is never about what they believe. It is always about what I believe. Somehow this entire year has become a Mr. Roger's re-run in my head. I have a lot of feelings. I forget that what 'they' think isn't important. I forget how special I am to the important people in my life

My Mother used to say that what she got done on her best day is what I could get done on my worst. Between age and illness, my skillset, energy, and measuring stick have had to change. I just cannot accomplish what I used to accomplish. So I look at it differently. I can make people laugh. I can bring the energy that I have to a room or a call and alter the mood so the others on the call look forward to the meeting and to getting the work done even when they can't stand the topic. Same result - different method. Magic.