Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
My Dad told me that when he was a boy playing stick ball on the street, the other kids teased him that someday he would have six kids. He had seven. Nothing made him happier than when the whole family was together.
There will likely be many posts about him in the future, but for now I will just say that we lost my Dad too soon. There really is no other way to put it. First we lost him to early onset Alzheimer's and then to the angels. He deserved an easier softer passing.
He was on my mind a lot last week but all day from the moment that I opened my eyes on Saturday. I was in a hotel in Pennsylvania planning to spend the day at my brother's wedding. My beautiful stepmother was there and six out of his seven kids with their spouses. My Aunt (his sister), my Uncle and all four of their sons and spouses attended.
My brother, Matthew, married Amanda Chorba, in a beautiful lake side ceremony. My sister, Katie, was sitting in front of me with her hands resting on her little pregnant belly. I sat through the ceremony with tears running down my face knowing that Pop had a beaming smile and was filled with joy in heaven. If he was there, he would have shouted "It's a Great Day!".
We were together to celebrate, and our family keeps growing. Life goes on. Love continues.