You are the Sky
"You are the sky - Everything else - it's just the weather" Pema Chodron
In the last few years, the Universe has conspired with my brother, Billy, to get me to do hot yoga. First it was just yoga but the last few weeks I have relented and have joined him for hot yoga a few times a week. I hate to admit how much I like it and how much it helps me physically, mentally and spiritually. For that hour, I am working on being centered regardless of what else is happening around me. I have stopped judging myself in comparison to others regardless of how inflexible, unstable or uncoordinated I might feel. I am able to compare me to me. How am I doing on this day?
Some days I have better balance than others. Some days I am more focused. The last few years and even weeks have brought about so much change in my life - so many unexpected things - but in the core is the same spirit. The same flame placed there by God. I am trying to strengthen the connection and encourage the flame to remain resilient.